Acupuncture Wandsworth

acupuncture wandsworth


Looking For An Acupuncturist In Wandsworth?

Traditional Eastern Acupuncture is thought to have originated in China over 3,000 years ago and is one of the oldest healing systems in the world. It differs from the medical needling that is often done by physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors as those tend to focus mainly on relieving musculoskeletal issues. Traditional Acupuncture is believed to work holistically, by bringing the body, mind and emotions into balance to restore health and vitality. It seeks to understand and address the root cause of imbalances or disease, as well as helping resolve any symptoms. Therefore it can be used in treating a wide range of complaints including rehabilitation, digestive problems, anxiety and depression and hormonal issues to name a few. It is a complementary form of treatment, meaning that it can be safely used alongside conventional medical modalities.

What To Expect From Acupuncture

The Acupuncturist is a registered member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). All BAcC members can offer you the following assurances: