About Us

What to Expect

Case History & Examination

Osteopaths are registered as Primary Healthcare Practitioners. With every new patient we take a full medical case history. Some questions may seem irrelevant but we must ask them in order to cover all systems. We will also cover daily activities, work, diet and sleep to name a few.
Assessment can range from simple movements, to checking pulses and blood pressure or power and reflexes. n occasion we may refer you back to your GP for further testing or for imagine such as an MRI or X-Ray.
We will look at your posture and run through active ranges of movement taking note of any painful or pain-free movements. We will also passively assess joints, which is where we move the joints for you. ​
We will also use our sense of touch, to feel muscle tone, restriction and to help identify which ares may be sensitive. This will assist us in creating a working diagnosis of your condition. If we feel osteopathy is not appropriate for you, we may refer you to your GP or a specialist.
In order to facilitate a full examination of the spine or problem area, you may be asked to to undress to your underwear, so please wear something you are comfortable in, you are welcome to wear a t shirt and or shorts if you prefer.

Tailored Treatment & Aftercare

Osteopathic diagnosis includes listening to the patient’s history, thorough examinations of muscles and joints and observing movement patterns. X-rays, scans and other clinical investigations are also used if required. A wide range of gentle, non-invasive manual techniques such as deep tissue massage, joint articulation and manipulation are applied therapeutically as the treatment, with exercises given to complete in-between treatment sessions.
Osteopaths not only treat acute pain such as sports injuries or long standing chronic problems, but also help maintain and improve a healthy well rounded approach to life. It is also important to address each patient individually and formulate a realistic treatment plan that encompasses reducing any future risk of injury or pain. For this reason Osteopathy can treat the expectant mother or new born baby right through to the nonagenarian.
All Osteopaths are registered with the General Osteopathic Council and are members of the Institute of Osteopathy.